6 7 HEALTH AND WELLBEING Our nurse can help with various medical needs, including general health advice, practical health checks, contraception advice, one-off non-prescription analgesics and treatments of cuts, burns, scalds and other minor injuries. Our free and confidential counselling service provides you with support to gain a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings, enabling you to make changes. Counselling is non-judgemental and you will be listened to rather than told what to do. Our mental health and wellbeing advisers support students who are experiencing mental health difficulties or emotional or psychological distress. We can provide practical support, help you develop coping strategies and can assist you to access external mental health and welfare services. Our knowledgeable team provide a wealth of resources and can signpost you to local and national services – just ask. We recognise that good health and wellbeing are fundamental for effective study and a positive student experience. That is why we have a free and confidential Health and Wellbeing service, which is open to everyone and includes a range of support: Cyhera McKenzie Health and Social Care Level 3 The college has definitely helped me with my mental health as at the beginning of the year, I was very nervous and scared. When I started, I asked my tutor for information about the health and wellbeing team and she helped me self-refer. It was a really easy process to go through. I went along and the team were really supportive, giving me lots of information and advice on coping better and what to do to keep my mind active and not get stressed. They also helped me make a planner on how to schedule things and when to take time out for myself. It has honestly helped me so much. I am more confident than in the beginning and I no longer worry so much. It has definitely taught me that there are more things in life to focus on. The health and wellbeing team are so influential, supportive and kind and I’m so happy to attend this college knowing there are people I can talk to about anything and not having to worry all by myself. PLEASE COME AND TALK TO US ABOUT ANY PROBLEMS, BIG OR SMALL. ucb.ac.uk/health-wellbeing DID YOU KNOW? WE HAVE A NURSE ON SITE We are one of just a few colleges with a nurse on site. The best thing is there’s no need to make an appointment. Luke Bakery Level 1 The support is very useful and it helps me with my work when I need it. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM